Welcome to Ms. Hinckley's Blog

I hope you find these pages helpful or at least interesting. Follow me and keep up on the important events happening in third grade at La Paloma Academy!

Homework Policies and Procedures

It is my requirement that homework be completed nightly. If homework is not turned in the student will stay in for afternoon recess in the Responsibility Room and complete it there. I appreciate your help at home with homework but it is the students' responsibility to complete it and make sure it gets turned in the next day. If you are struggling with a concept one night and you can't figure it out please send in a note with the homework and I will reteach the concept. If homework is a continuing struggle (or battle) to complete let me know and we will sit down together to formulate a plan for success for everyone.

Spelling homework will be the same for the entire school year. Follow this list of dailly work and you'll always have the right spelling homework done.

  • Monday - 3 times each or Rainbow Writing (write them on top of each other (3 times) in three different colors)

  • Tuesday - ABC order

  • Wednesday - Sentences (must do at least 10 with at least 10 of the words)

  • Thursday - Write a story & study for your spelling test on Friday. Use at least 10 words in a story. Your story doesn't have to be real but must make sense.